Jenneke! Here is the beautiful masterpiece she created...
and now on to this week's challenge...
This week's song is "Disneyland" by Five for Fighting!!! It was originally suggested by a friend of mine, who hasn't participated yet - but we hope she will soon (but no pressure - wink)!!!! It is really quite a magical song and we had so much fun playing with it!!! Even if you've never been to Disneyland, there is plenty of inspiration to scrap in this song - check out the lyrics by clicking on the widget in the sidebar! Thanks for the suggestion Lynn!
This week's beautiful prize has been donated by DT member, Mandy Dodd. It's an awesome and fun combination of scrappy goodness - there's even some vintage sheet music in there - EEK - LOVE IT!!!

And now, for your viewing pleasure, here are the design team layouts for "Disneyland." We hope you like them!






To be eligible for this week's prize, remember to link us up to your layout in the comments section of this post, or email your layout to by the new deadline of midnight central time Saturday night. The clock in the right sidebar shows central time to help you if you need to convert time zones.
We can't wait to see what you create!