Due to a very busy creative schedule, Patricia Roebuck is stepping down from the Scrapping The Music Design Team. It's always hard to say goodbye to someone on our team; and it's especially hard to say goodbye to Patricia; but at the same time, we are excited about her new adventures and want to wish her the very best on her creative journey!!! Patricia has been such an awesome team member for a long time now, both in team spirit and incredible talent!
We want to take this opportunity to share with you just a few of Patricia's STM layouts...
Thank you so much Patricia for everything you've done for Scrapping The Music!!!
P.S. Don't forget you have until November 12th to participant in our current set of challenges. Click here to find out more!
Hey there everyone! We know how busy this time of year can be, so we have decided to extend the deadline for our current challenge to November 12th (Monday) at midnight. Linda provided an awesome song for inspiration, and we think our prompt is a super fun one, so we want to give you ample chance to play along with us! Click here to go to the current challenge! We will see you there!
Just a reminder that our current set of challenges are due by midnite on October 27th. That's this Saturday nite. We've got a completely AWESOME song and a super fun prompt for you! It's waiting right here for you to play along with us at Scrapping The Music!!! Click here to go to the current challenge!
Hiya! Phinner here to bring you Challenge #208 at Scrapping the Music! #208A Your song to art, should you decide to accept it, is Iridescent by Linkin Park. I think this is the perfect song to reflect a moment on the precipice where a life changing decision or choice is to be made. Of course, you are encouraged to interpret the song in any manner that you like : .)
Here are the design team projects for Iridescent :
Every time I hear Iridescent, I think of my friend Esther. I couldn't choose just some of the lyrics to work with because I feel all of them apply to her situation, so I typed them out and printed them to use in the background. (Inspired by the first piece I did as a participant at Scrapping the Music and Van Gogh's Starry Night.)
My piece is in honor of her and the challenges she faces every day, battling breast cancer.
The journaling says: In 1986 we were on summer vacation in Austria , when I saw this white water river near Murau, Carinthia .
Most of the time I love my job. But on those days when everything seems to have gone wrong, I love to walk to this place after work. By the time I get here, all of the frustration of the day seems to be gone. I can just let it go . . .
A 12th grader in my town died suddenly on Tuesday night after falling off of a bridge while skateboarding. My town is very small -- 6000 people. We are all stunned. I created this watercolor in memory of this fine young man. The lyrics seemed very appropriate.
For your prompt, you are challenged to choose a song to art that brings out the rebel in you!!! What immediately comes to mind is Rebel Yell by Billy Idol! Or maybe one of the songs from the Transformers or Matrix series of movies.
Here are the design team projects for this prompt:
My most current rebel moments occur when I hear this song on the radio...Pound the Alarm, by Nicki Minaj. I could take or leave the lyrics (EXPLICIT!). Its the music and the bass beat that moves me! I always hear it in the car on my way to or home from work, and I just have to bop in my seat!
Title: ‘in aktie’
Get up, stand up for your rights! Yeah, this is me, at the start of Occupy Utrecht last year J
The journaling says:
October 2011, a meetup to join Occupy Amsterdam, but there were many votes to start Occupy Utrecht. The tent camp was set up next to town hall.
But there was a lot of violence against them. July 2012 the Occupiers left because they even have been attacked by a knifed drunken idiot. The police showed up after 2 ½ (!) hours. And the police station is just a 10 minute walk from there…
The tent camp is gone but Occupy Utrecht still exists!
"For What it's Worth" by Buffalo Springfield was the ultimate protest song of the 60's and 70's to me. I still feel like a rebel whenever I hear it today.
La Vida Loca,by Ricky Martin, brings out the wild girl in me! The lyrics describe a woman who's strong, brazen and a little crazy -- and it's fun to pretend!
Now it's your turn!
Show us how the song, lyrics, or video for "Iridescent" by Linkin Park inspire you! You can do anything (a layout, art journal page, altered project, card) that you are inspired to create! Or does the prompt inspire you? You can chose either or both!
Link us up to your creations by midnight on Monday, October 29, 2012.
The design team is busy voting, but in the meantime, please check out the beautiful slideshow for Ridin With the Radio and playing a musical instrument . . .
Hey there everyone! It's time for another set of challenges! Before we get going on those tho, I have a special announcement for you!
Please welcome Laury as the newest member of the Scrapping The Music Design Team!
Laurence, (also known as Laury55), has been a regular participant with Scrapping The Music for quite awhile now, and has numerous layouts in the STM Hall of Fame. We love her funky and fun style, and are so excited to have her with us!
Here's what Laury has to say...
Hello, I am Laurence. Mother of 2 children from 8 & 10 they are both my favourite subject on my scrapbooking layouts. I am passionate about all arts and crafts and love stamping.. I bought my first stamp 10 years ago to make cards at the birth of my daughter and now I have to admit that I am really addicted to stamping!!!
I love trying and using different techniques on my scrapbooking layouts or in my journals. I live in a small city in the southern part of Belgium.
I am currently on 2 design teams : Infinimentscrap, a French manufacturer of rubber stamps & Kuretake - and I am very honored to join STM and its very talented team members.
Welcome Laury!
Challenge #207A Song: Ridin With The Radio by Crystal Bowersox...
I've been a fan of Crystal Bowersox since American Idol, and was delighted to find this awesome song/video on youtube recently! I hope you enjoy it and find some inspiration in it! Check it out...
To read the complete lyrics, check out the tab at the top of the page.
Here are the design team projects for "Ridin' With The Radio..."
My husband has the kindest heart around, and I love this picture of him, cuz it really shows it.
I made this layout in memory of Aunt Bernice. We laid her to rest on September 20, 2012. She lived a good life and was blessed enough to see her great-grandchildren born. Here is a photo of her with them and her husband of 60+ years!!
I was so excited to meet this darling girl this summer! She's got the most creative personality!
(Photo by her Mama, Patricia!)
For this prompt, I decided to use a photo of my daughter Samy singing this summer. She is wonderful if I do say so myself, and never hesitates to burst into song either alone or with a friend. She is my little songbird!
At our Holidays our son had a really bad headache, the only plastic bag available was this one...
Challenge #207B: What's your favorite instrument? Do you or someone you love play one? Scrap about it! Is there one you wish you could play? Let's hear about it!
Journaling reads:
My poor parents paid for 10 years of piano lessons for me and I was a terrible student. I loved music, but I wanted to play the guitar, like John Denver, or at least learn Beatles songs. I couldn't see the value in Baroque, which was what my teacher insisted on. "If you learn your Baroque, I will teach you the Beatles." So I would try, but my teenage heart had a hard time embracing it. Mrs. Lange was a good egg, and she put up with a lot from me. Now, of course, I wish I would have paid attention. Hindsight is 20/20 I guess.
Title: I only can play the record player... Journaling : When I was a kid I got a recorder but never lessons, so I figured it out by myself to play the recorder. In the beginnings it must have been a real cacophony but after some practice you could suggest the melody. Getting older I tried to play guitar, but I wasn't perennial enough to play it well. I did a little bit of organ tinkling, too. Nowadays I wish my parents had tantalized me with piano lessons or maybe beared disharmonized saxophone notes - too late.
I loved playing the piano when I was growing up and was thrilled when Anne told me that she wanted to play, just like her big sister, Katie, did!
Jimi at work…
Nowadays he’s working together with Joe (from Nashville ) and Jeff (from Auckland ) in a so called ‘cloud’ on the internet. They compose music for Abbey Road Studios ( London ) and Roland Musical Equipments, who develop all kinds of musical stuff for musicians.
Unfortunately they are not paid for it…, at least not in money. But they receive software as a gift, and that’s very expensive to buy!
Now it's your turn. Show us how the song, lyrics, or video for "Ridin' With The Radio" inspire you! You can do a layout, art journal page, or anything else you are inspired to create! Or does the prompt inspire you to create something? Choose either or both. Link us up to your creations by midnight on Friday, October 12th.