Is anyone else excited about the prize we are giving away? I know I sure am! I have already registered for the class and can hardly wait to get started. Remember, we are giving this prize away on October 31 as a Treat for one of our participants. Everyone that completed the All Summer Long challenge is in the drawing and for those that complete this week's challenge before October 31st will also be entered into the drawing. If you complete both, you will be entered twice. Once again, here is the class from My Creative Classroom we are giving away to one lucky winner.

30 cards in 30 days Christmas Card Extravaganza
Learn 30 techniques in 30 days with 30 sketches to create 30 cards. Get yourself organised for Christmas.
Start date: November 1st
Enrolment: open now
Enrol here: You will need to register first which is free and easy.
Please make sure you check out the lyrics for this challenge! There are a ton of lyrics in there that will TOTALLY inspire. I had never heard this particular song until Barbara recommended it. It is so fun!!! I LOVE IT!!! Here is what the Design Team has created to jump start your creativity for this week.






As always, we can't wait to see what you create! If you have any questions about how to submit a layout, please use the links provided at the right. You will also find the lyrics and where to sign up for weekly reminders as to when we post new challenges there too. Have a great week and we hope to hear from you!