The design team has voted and the winner of the No Rain challenge is.....
Chris Aiton, with this beautiful layout!

Congratulations Chris - you are the newest inductee into the Scrapping The Music Hall of Fame!!!
Thank you to everyone who played along with us this week - we truly adored each and every one of your layouts!
Before we get to this week's challenge we want to let you know something: The design team is currently making plans for the start of a new year at Scrapping The Music and we'd love to hear from YOU! You are the ones that make STM a success! You are the ones that inspire us to keep going! So, what do you like about STM? What ideas might you have for changes we could make that would make it even more fun to participate? Please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments section, or email them to Thanks!**********
November started a couple of weeks ago, but since we had a couple of extensions to our challenges in October, today actually marks the start of our November songlist! So that means......
The first thing it means is that we have to say goodbye to our guest designer for October - Sharon Fritchey! Sharon it's been fabulous to have you and your awesome talent with us for the last month! Thank you so much for guest designing for us!!!
We also get to welcome our new guest designer for November - say hello to Linda Phinney aka Phinner!!!

(clears throat self-consciously…)
My friends call me phin. I'm also known by my (not so) secret superhero monikker, DeathGrrlRunningGoddess!
If we met on the street, I’d probably start talking your ear off immediately! (blah, blah, blah! LOL!)
I’ll tease you, A LOT, if we’re buddies.
I’m very direct, but I won’t say anything if I don’t think it’ll make an improvement or a difference…
Well, unless you ask and then…(See blah, blah, blah above!)
I have a lot of energy and have a hard time sitting still. I get distracted easily…
SQUIRREL!!! hee!!!
I’m a crazy perfectionist and get on my own case way too often.
I love:
Laughing, sunshine, Starbucks soy chai lattes, words, physical effort (and sweat!), running, spin class, eating,
music and movement, artistic process, the family of my heart (my friends), reading, stalking blogs,
browsing the internet, black nail polish, taking pictures, off-color humor (heh!), my car ZooMZooM (aka Pieter),
and my pet Betta, Mike (named after Mike Ness of Social Distortion!)
I’ve been playing with paint, glue, and paper, making messes for as long as I can remember…
My first ‘scrapbook’ as we currently know it, was completed in 1994
when there really wasn’t much in the way of scraping fun and
you could only find ugly background paper and flat stickers, hahaha!
Now I’m more into collage/mixed media, creating my own supplies & embellishments,
and upcycling products I'd recycle, like catalogs and cardboard.
I really like grunge, gesso, texture and layering. I also enjoy making and trading ATCs,
‘cause of the small space to work in and the quickness of completion.
I'm very happy to be invited to be a guest designer this month and SO happy to meet YOU!
Welcome Linda! We are so glad you are here!!!
and now.....
It's movie theme week, and this time we are paying tribute to the lovable movie Curious George! The theme song is "Upside Down" by Jack Johnson, and we think it's an awesome song for scrapping!!! We hope you agree and want to play along with us this week! To check out the lyrics, click on the link in the sidebar!
Here are the design team's inspiration layouts for "Upside Down..."
Guest Designer Linda...






Now it's YOUR TURN! What inspires you about this week's song? Show us in a scrapbook layout, art journal page, or any other creative project!!!
To be eligible to win this challenge and have your layout hang in the STM Hall of Fame, remember to
link us up to your layout in the comments section of this post, or email your layout to by the midnight central time Tuesday. The clock in the right sidebar shows central time to help you if you need to convert time zones.
We can't wait to see what you create!