The Hall of Fame is now updated with the March and April winners!!! YAHOO!!! If you see any errors or would like your last name included, please let me know ASAP. Also, if you are an inductee and would like a link attached to your layout that will take the viewer to your blog or gallery, please let me know. I will gladly insert it for you.
As you know, we LOVE our sponsors and are so thankful for their willingness to sponsor so many of our challenges. It has been decided that to optimize your opportunity of winning, we are going to change the way we award our prizes. From here on out, we will try to have a sponsor every two weeks. If you complete one layout during those two weeks you will have a chance at winning the prize from our sponsor. If, however, you complete both challenges you will have two chances of winning. We realize not everyone can play every week, so we thought this would give more people a chance at winning a prize. Prize packages will be given by a random drawing. Each week the DT will choose the layout they feel best exemplifies the song challenge and that designer will be inducted into our honored Hall of Fame.
Now, on with this week's challenge! "Shine" is a very inspirational song and the Design Team did an amazing job coming up with wonderful layouts to inspire your creativity. When Tara added her layout to the group's, her response said it all...WOW WOW WOW!!! We can't wait to see what you come up with for this challenge!







Please remember all challenges are due on Sunday, 12 noon, Eastern Standard time.