Monday, January 30, 2012

"I Feel Good" Winner and Challenge #188 "I'm Alive..."

The design team has voted and we have a winner for our "I Feel Good" challenge!

CONGRATULATIONS GOES TO ANNETTE! Check out the beautiful layout she created...
Annette, your layout will now hang in the STM Hall of Fame! Congratulations!!!

Thank you so much to everyone who played along with us this week. Your layouts were not only beautiful, but your stories touched our hearts as well. We appreciate you!

and now.....

We are changing the tempo up this week and offer you a beautiful and thoughtful song - "I'm Alive," by Kenny Chesney and Dave Matthews. Check out the video...

The design team was super-inspired by this song, and we hope you feel the same way! You can check out the lyrics by clicking the tab at the top of the blog.

Here are the design team's layouts for "I'm Alive..."
One of the best things about traveling for my job is the quiet time for reflection. I love driving on the quiet roads of Northern Minnesota. It brings peace to my soul.

I am a 19 year survivor of cancer! (I was standing in the wrong line at the survivors parade - LOL) My sisters and I walk or run in the Woman's 5K Classic that takes place in Allentown, PA every year - we walk in memory of my sister who passed away, and in honor of my mom and me, who are survivors!!! Yeah - I'm alive!

2012's my year, I can just feel it!!!

(removed for publication)
I really had fun with this one and took the "I thank my lucky stars" lyrics and lots of different word stickers along with some fun much to be thankful for...especially the little things we take for granted.

I decided to do a digital layout this time. The black and white is significant, because it is black and white for me that I'm alive, enjoying every breath, every moment. I've come through a time I never thought I could. This song's lyrics are perfect. I feel so much my joy in reaching 2012, and I can't wait to see what it brings. I've come through alive, and now I'm ready to thrive. :)

This is one of the moments I never will forget, watching the whales around the boot for hours.

Now it's Your Turn!
What inspires you about this song? Show us in a scrapbook layout, art journal page, or anything else you are inspired to create!

To be eligible to win this challenge and have your creation hang in the STM Hall of Fame, remember to link us up to your layout using Mr. Linky below by midnight central time this Sunday, February 5th. The clock in the right sidebar shows central time to help you if you need to convert time zones.

We can't wait to see what you create!

Slideshow for "I Feel Good..."

Thanks for all of the "Feelin Good" layouts this week folks! We are LOVING them!!! The design team is busy voting, so in the meantime, check out the awesome slideshow for "I Feel Good..."

As always, if you don't see your layout in the slideshow, and it was linked to Mr. Linky by the deadline of midnite on Sunday night - please email me at We would never leave anyone out on purpose!

We will be back tomorrow (Monday) night at 9:00 pm with the winner and our new challenge!

See you then!

Monday, January 23, 2012

"Care" Winner and Challenge #187 "I Feel Good..."

The design team has voted and we have a winner for our "Care" challenge!

Congratulations goes to MAJA who created this beautiful layout...
Maja, your layout will now hang in the Scrapping The Music Hall of Fame!

Thanks so much to EVERYONE who joined in on our challenge, and remember - you are all entered into the drawing for our January prize (see photo in the sidebar)! The more times you play along this month, the more times your name goes in the hat!

and now......


It's January's edition of movie week, and this time around we are paying tribute to "Good Morning Vietnam." It's James Brown's "I Feel Good"!!! Check out the video below...

We found this one to be a super fun and easy one to scrap with, and we hope you do too! Check out the lyrics by clicking on the tab at the top of the page.

Here are the design team layouts for "I Feel Good..."

When I think of the lyric "sugar and spice" it makes me think of our two cats Willie and Johnny, who are as different as night and day. Willie is our little sugar: a lover, always wanting to be petted; always the first one to hop in bed for a snuggle. Johnny, on the other hand, is our spice! He is such a comedian. He loves to play, and loves to race us down the stairs. The two of them are the most awesome pair! They bring such joy to our lives!


When I saw this song, I knew that I had to scrap a photo of my dad. It was his favorite song . . .I remember him singing "I feel good!" and dancing to this all the time.
Doesn't it look like he is doing just that here?

tip: don't delete the goofy iPhone photos your child takes of you. My daughter likes to pretend to be me and take pictures, and she likes to tell me what faces to make...these went perfectly with this song, showing all the different was "good."

"Life is beautiful - mostly"

Don't let the darling face fool you!
She's full of sass too!!!

He is the one with a huge heart and always the sun on his side, I´m really glad to have him.

Now it's Your Turn!
What inspires you about this song? Show us in a scrapbook layout, art journal page, or anything else you are inspired to create!

To be eligible to win this challenge and have your creation hang in the STM Hall of Fame, remember to link us up to your layout using Mr. Linky below by midnight central time this Sunday, January 29th. The clock in the right sidebar shows central time to help you if you need to convert time zones.

We can't wait to see what you create!

Slideshow for "Care..."

Thanks so much for the submissions this week! We are so excited to see that you were each inspired by the song in your own unique way! The design team is busy voting, but in the meantime, check out the beautiful slideshow for "Care..."

As always, if you don't see your layout in the slideshow, and it was linked to Mr. Linky by the deadline of midnite on Sunday night - please email me at We would never leave anyone out on purpose!

We will be back tomorrow (Monday) night at 9:00 pm with the winner and our new challenge!

See you then!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Come On Over and Play With Us This Weekend!

Hey there friends! Happy Saturday! I just wanted to remind you that you still have til tomorrow night at midnight to submit your creations for this week's challenge! The song is "Care" by Kid Rock (see this post below for the details). And don't forget - everyone who plays along with us is entered in the drawing for our January prize...

This beautiful journal from Papaya Arts...

Come on people - it's a great day to play! Let's see what ya got! Link your submissions up to the Mr. Linky list in the challenge post below.

Monday, January 16, 2012

"Who Says" Winner, and Challenge #186 "Care..."

We are so excited about the turnout for our "Who Says" challenge! Your layouts were all so beautiful! It was difficult voting, but we did come up with a winner.....

Congratulations to LYNN who created this beautiful layout....

Lynn, your layout will now hang in the STM hall of fame!

Thank you so much to everyone who played along with us this week! Remember, all of your names will go in the drawing for our January prize! The more times you play, the more entries you get!

and now.....


In honor of Martin Luther King day here in the United States, I chose a song with a beautiful message: "Care" by Kid Rock! Check out the video here...

You can check out the lyrics by clicking on the tab at the top of the page. We hope you are inspired to create something with this song!

Here are the inspiration layouts by the design team. We hope you like them!

This song makes me think of all the different ways we can care - big ways and small ways; they all make a difference.

I know, we all should care making this world a better one for everyone, but especially for the ones we love.

"Your future ain't brighter than your present." A great reminder to be in the moment.

I immediately thought of my decision to go to nursing school when I heard this song! The picture is of me in college - my first day in my nursing student uniform. I was so proud!

I had so many ideas come to mind, but when I really looked over the lyrics, "quit stressing" was just right for me...needing to slow down, and being mindful of the present...we need to take care of ourselves, so we can take care of others.


When I checked the lyrics, this picture was the thing that fitted perfect with it

The lyrics "Day by Day" and "as I get older" really popped out at me. I thought of these pictures of me as an 18 month old, picking dandelions with my grandpa...who has now been gone for 28 years. I am so grateful the love he and the others in my life have given me. I may get older, but the people that I love make each day beautiful.

Chose the title "Son and Daughter" from the lyrics! Love this picture of me and the kids!

Now it's Your Turn!
What inspires you about this song? Show us in a scrapbook layout, art journal page, or anything else you are inspired to create!

To be eligible to win this challenge and have your creation hang in the STM Hall of Fame, remember to link us up to your layout using Mr. Linky below by midnight central time this Sunday, January 22nd. The clock in the right sidebar shows central time to help you if you need to convert time zones.

We can't wait to see what you create!

Who Says Slideshow

Patricia filling in for Michelle this week.  We had such an amazing turnout of layouts from first time and regular participants as well as participants coming back.  Thank you so much for playing along with us this week and sharing your beautiful work with us.  I was so amazed to see all of your layouts and how the song inspired you this week.  Always so fun to see.  Please enjoy the slideshow of everyone's work as the design team is busy voting.

We want to include everyone, so if your layout isn't showing, please leave us a comment.  Michelle will be back tonight with the winner and the next challenge.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Congratulations to our design team member Patricia!

Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you know that our design team member, Patricia Roebuck, has had her "Piece of My Heart" layout picked up by Scrapbook Trends magazine for publication! How awesome is that???

We had to take it down from the STM blog, but look for it in an upcoming issue of Scrapbook Trends!


And don't forget, you have until Sunday night (1/15) to participate in our current challenge "Who Says..."

Monday, January 9, 2012

Piece of My Heart Slideshow...

Thank you so much to our participants this week! Each layout submitted is gorgeous! The design team is busy voting, but in the meantime, check out the awesome slideshow for our "Piece of my Heart" challenge...

As always, if you don't see your layout in the slideshow, and it was linked to Mr. Linky by the deadline of midnite on Sunday night - please email me at We would never leave anyone out on purpose!

We will be back tomorrow (Monday) night at 9:00 pm with the winner and our new challenge!

See you then!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Challenge #184 "Piece of My Heart"

Hey there everyone - Happy 2012!!! We've got a great challenge to kick off the new year for you - It's a classic rocker - "Piece of My Heart" by Janis Joplin!

Thank you to DT Member Frauke for picking this song. We hope you find it as inspiring as we did! Click on the video to listen and watch...

Our challenge to you is to create a scrapbook layout, art journal page, or anything else you like that is inspired by this song! You can read the lyrics by clicking on the lyrics tab at the top of the page.

Our January sponsor is DT member Michelle (that's me!). Each time you participate in one of our January challenges, your name will go in the drawing for this journal from Papaya Arts...

The journal is 7"x9", with 160 unlined pages. The cover is beautifully inlaid with gold foil accents.

The more times you participate, the more entries you get!

We will also be voting each week to choose which layout will go into our Scrapping The Music Hall of Fame!

We hope you enjoy the inspiration pieces that the design team has created for "Piece of My Heart!"

I've been thinking alot about STM lately, and how much it means to me. It seemed like the perfect time to say so in a layout!

Though I love music and art, reading and traveling, a very small village in Ontario, autumn and polar bears and so much more, the important thing in my life is my family ! That's why I made this layout.


When I hear this song, the lyric "I'm singing once again" stands out! I wanted to scrap how my family makes me sing each time I look at them!

This kid (one of my girlfriend's grandkids) is the sweetest! Every time I get to visit with him, he keeps part of my heart!


Throughout 2011, my husband and I went through so much together. It is amazing how he and I have become closer through each of the trials, and how we've given each other bigger and bigger pieces of our hearts. He's my rock, my best friend.

Now it's Your Turn!
What inspires you about this song? Show us in a scrapbook layout, art journal page, or anything else you are inspired to create!

To be eligible to win this challenge and have your creation hang in the STM Hall of Fame, remember to link us up to your layout using Mr. Linky below by midnight central time this Sunday, January 8th. The clock in the right sidebar shows central time to help you if you need to convert time zones.

We can't wait to see what you create!