Before we can get into this week's challenge, we need to announce the winner of Challenge #91, so CONGRATULATIONS.....EMMA!!! It really was a close one this week! In fact, we had a four way tie for a very long time!
Just as a little teaser, we are adding a new Design Team member next week and wait until you see who! She is absolutely amazing!!! We are very saddened by the fact that this is Alex's last week as a Design Team member. She will be greatly missed, but life happens and we totally understand.
We are also starting something new for the first challenge of every month. This is going to be so much fun that I can hardly wait to tell you about it! OK...Maybe I like to tease a lot! hahaha
This week's song was recommended by Kristii on our Design Team. I had never heard of this song before, but find it very inspirational and hope you do too! Here is what the Design Team has created.
Liz, Guest Designer




Julie T-W





If you have any questions, please feel free to drop by the Message Board. Remember, you can find the lyrics and other information by clicking the links on the right. We hope you have a great week and are looking forward to seeing what you create!