We did not have a lot of participation last week, but the layouts that were submitted were AMAZING!!! If you have not seen the slide show, please make sure you scroll down and view it. It is wonderful! We love seeing all the creativity you give us each week. Congratulations goes to GLENDA!!! You are now officially part of our Scrapping the Music Hall of Fame! YAHOO!!!
OK...on with the challenge! This week we have another great song for you. The lyrics are very powerful, so I am sure you will be able to come up with a heartfelt for your scrapbooks. Remember, everyone that completed last week's challenge is already entered into a drawing to receive the prize being donated by ScrapRoomBlueprints. The kit itself came from TallyScrapper. Everyone that completes this week's challenge will also be entered into the drawing. If you complete both, you will be entered twice...doubling your pleasure, doubling your fun! hahaha
Here is the kit the winner of the random drawing will receive.

As always, the Design Team came up with totally awesome layouts to help inspire you. Take a look at these!
Thanks again for making this such an enjoyable site! We loving you participate in our challenges. YOUR creativity inspire us and for that we thank you!!!