Now, with all the sad "stuff" behind us, we can move on to some EXCITING and FUN news!!! First of all, let's welcome Jessica Chastain and Kristii Lockart to our Design Team! These two ladies are going to rock your world with their creative abilities and inspire all of us to create beautiful layouts for out scrapbooks. Again, we are so excited to have both of these ladies are part of our team! WELCOME!!!!
The newest member of our Scrapping the Music Hall of Fame is MandySea. When we have a sponsor, we place all the names into a drawing and the winner of this week's gift certificate from ScrapWords is Sarah! Congratulations to the both of you! Sarah, please contact me for instructions on claiming your prize. As always, we love to see all your creations, read your comments, and post our own comments on your blogs. We are very thankful for each and every one of our participants!!!
This week's challenge is the last of our songs from the 80s. We hope you can find some lyrics in Blondie's The Tide is High to inspire you like it did our design team. Check out all the different titles! Very cool!!!
If you like our blog, don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss one of our challenges. We have a very diverse group of songs for you next month, so I'm sure you won't want to miss out!