This weeks challenge is to use the song "Say it Right" by Nelly Furtado as your inspiration. Music inspires in so many different ways. Joni captured the passion that this song inspires and I just went with the title as my inspiration. I can't wait to see how this song inspires you and what you create. Here is a link for you to post you completed layouts or you can add the link in a comment.
This week's our featured scrapper is Joni Moore from Southern California. Joni is part of a scrapbook design team for 2ScrappyChix Designs. She also helps maintain a scrapbook sketch site called ScrapRoomBlueprints. She is a very devoted mother and one of the most caring and supportive people I know.
Here is a layout I created. I loved the title of the song and wanted to use it for this layout. It was so funny to hear my 2 year old reading this book all by herself.

One final note. I have decided to add a Design Team to the blog. If you love scrapping and enjoy finding inspriation in music then I would love for you to apply. The information should be posted on PubCalls very soon, so please keep an eye out if you are interested.