This week's featured scrapper is Rachel Whetzel. She has created an amazing layout for every challenge posted thus far. Please make sure you read her bio. It really is a good one!

Rachel Whetzel
I am a Top Security Level Officer in the Department of Matrimony (that's fancy for Mom and Wife). Parchment Memory Preservationist (that's fancy for PAPER Scrapbooker). Surveillance Operator (that's fancy for Photographer). Internet Writer & Editor (that's fancy for Blogger). Creative Medium Expressionist (that's fancy for Artist) Childhood Intellect & Creativity Nurturer (that's fancy for Teacher). Vermicomposter (that's fancy for worm farmer). Vegitation Cultivator (that's fancy for gardener). Domestic Domain Cleanser (that's fancy for housekeeper). Yep. I'm fancy, baby!
I've been scrapping for about 9 years now, and just this year, became a permanent Design Team member on Tally's Design Team is chosen by members, and changes quarterly. I am also the TallyCommunicator on, which is just fancy for "talks a lot" and I have a job doing it!
My blog address
I just wanted to take a minute to tell everyone that the response to this site has been truly amazing! The Design Team call will end on September 22nd and the submissions received thus far have been outstanding! Music really is a true source of inspiration for scrapping the proof of which is visible in the layouts inspired by either the lyrics or the rhythm.